310 E Market Street
Tiffin OH 44883
Fax: 419-448-2217
Email: ajy@heidelberg.edu
Program Cancellation and Changes. I understand that Heidelberg University reserves the right to cancel the program and to make changes or
alterations in the program and/or program itineraries at any time as may be required because of emergency, changed conditions, or the Universitys
determination that such cancellation, changes or alterations are in the best interest of the program or its participants. I further understand that the
University is not responsible for changes or alterations to or cancellation of programs by the host institution. Heidelberg University shall have no
liability to any participants, their parents or any other third party for the cancellation of the program or any changes or alterations to the program.
Please consider my application for the: Year/Semester of Study Application Deadlines:
Full Academic Year (September to July) 20_______-20_______ April 1
Fall Semester (September to December) 20_______ April 1
Extended Fall Semester (September to February) 20_______-20_______ April 1
Spring Semester (March to July) 20_______ October 1
General Background Information
Applicant Information:
Last Name First Name Middle Name
Home Address College Address
Cell Phone
Social Security Number
me Phone
School Email
Alternate Email
Date of birth (mm/dd/yy)
Place of Birth (City, State or Country)
Please check one item below:
1. I
have/am applying for a U.S. passport.
2. I am a_____German citizen, or
an EU citizen from___________________________
3. I am not a US or EU citizen and will be applying for
a visa at the German embassy in
(list city)
Emergency Contact:
American Junior Year
at Heidelberg University
-founded 1958-
Academic Information
Current Standing
Cumulative GPA Equivalent Letter Grade:
Major(s) Minor(s)
Highest level of College German taken
Previous colleges/universities attended with dates of attendance
Occupational goals:
Other interests, hobbies, volunteer experiences
Honors or special recognition
Statement of Purpose
The AJY program at Heidelberg University seeks to promote academic, personal and cultural growth. Your essay is a significant
part of your application and a major factor in the selection process. In preparing to write the essay, you should think seriously
about why you have chosen this program, do some background reading, visit the internet, interview faculty and previous
participants, and visit a writing tutor if needed. If you use sources other than your own knowledge and experience, appropriate
documentation MUST be included within the essay document. (Your answers should be approximately 250-300 words for each
of the 4 sections below.)
1. How have your life experiences led you and helped you to prepare for this decision to go abroad? What makes you a good
candidate for the program?
2. Why have you chosen AJY and how does it help you accomplish your goals?
3. In what ways do you think the culture of the country will be the same as the culture of the United States? In what ways do you
expect the culture to be different?
4. How will you prepare yourself for the differences in culture, academics, and so on? How do you think you will be challenged
by these differences?
Billing Information
Please consult with your Study Abroad Office before completing the following information.
Tuition Billing: Housing Billing:
Name Name
Address Address
Phone Phone
Fax Fax
Email Email
Where did you hear about the American Junior Year at Heidelberg University Program ?
AJY Website Study Abroad Office Advisor Professor Internet
Campus visit by AJY Program representative Other
Signature Date
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310 E Market Street
Tiffin OH 44883
Fax: 419-448-2217
Email: ajy@heidelberg.edu
ican Junior Year Program Information Waiver
Student’s Name
The Family Education Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 and its amendments guarantee students
access to their educational records. Students, however, are entitled to waive their rights of access
concerning recommendations. The following signed statement is the applicant’s wish regarding
these recommendations.
I waive my rights to inspect the I do not waive my rights to inspect the
contents of my references for the
American Junior Year Program
contents of my references for the
American Junior Year Program
signature date signature date
Please provide the name and email for your Academic/Personal Reference, which should be
completed by someone who can attest to your qualities, such as an advisor or a faculty member
(other than your German reference):
Name Email
Please provide the name and email for your German Language Reference, which should be
completed by your most recent German professor:
Name Email
click to sign
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click to sign
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