Application for Professional Development Travel Funds
Revised 8/15/2013
Faculty member emails Application for Professional Development Travel Funds to
department chair.
Chair reviews application
1. If approved, chair forwards the application to the dean and deans’ assistant.
2. If not approved, chair emails faculty member accordingly.
Dean reviews application
1. If approved, dean forwards the application to the Professional Development Travel
Committee and dean’s assistant.
2. If not approved, dean emails chair, faculty member, and dean’s assistant accordingly.
Professional Development Travel Committee reviews application
1. If approved, dean emails chair, faculty member, and dean’s assistant.
2. If not approved, dean emails chair, faculty member, and dean’s assistant.
After receiving approval, faculty member submits a Travel Authorization (TA) by logging
into using Z-number and Vision password.
Reminder: Faculty members are limited to a maximum of $1,100.00 in travel funds per
academic year.
Name of faculty member: ________________________________________________________
Department: ___________________________________________________________________
College: ______________________________________________________________________
Name of conference/event: _______________________________________________________
Location of conference/event: _____________________________________________________
Date(s) of conference/event: ______________________________________________________
Method of participation in conference/event: