a. _____ The instructor has imposed sanctions for a Class A violation and the student
waives the right of appeal. In this case the instructor will send this form and all
physical evidence to Gary Barker, of Undergraduate Education, College of Arts &
Sciences, Verhaegen Hall 218. The rest of this form does not need to be filled out.
b. _____ The instructor has imposed sanctions for a Class A violation and the student
hereby appeals the case to the Department Chair. The instructor will present this form
and all evidence to the Department Chair. Refer to Section IV.
c. _____ The instructor has imposed sanctions for a Class B violation. (Proceed to Section
V with the instructor forwarding this form and all evidence to the Department Chair.)
Section IV: Department Appeals for Class A Violation (only filled out if question 6b is checked:) In a
Class A violation case the student has the right to appeal the case to the Department Chair for the course
within which the violation occurred. The Department Chair should fill out this portion of the form and
sign where indicated.
7. Provide the printed name of the Department Chair who facilitated this appeal:
8. Date of the appeal: ___________________
9. Provide the location of the appeal: _________________________________
10. The student and the instructor have the right to ask an advisor or witness to be in attendance
during the appeal.
a. ______ N/A no advisors/witnesses present
b. ______ Student had an advisor/witness present. (If yes, answer 10d.)
c. ______ Instructor had an advisor/witness present. (If yes, answer 10d.)
d. If 10b or 10c was selected, please indicate the name of the advisor/witness, address, and
telephone number and for whom they acted as an advisor.
11. What was the outcome of the informal Department hearing?
a. _______ The Department Chair agrees with the sanctions imposed by the instructor. The
student will receive a copy of this Report and will be notified that he/she has the right to
request an appeal of the case to the Academic Honesty Committee. In order to appeal,
the student must submit a letter of appeal to the Department Chair within seven days
from receipt of this report.