Office of Academic Services and Registrar
Last Name ____________________________ First Name ____________________________ MI. ____
Current Street Address________________________________________________________________
City_______________________________________ State____________________ Zip_____________
RAM ID___________________________________ Telephone Number_________________________
Last Date of Enrollment_______________________________________________________________
Program of Study (Major) _________________________ Classification____________________
All names at time of last enrollment_______________________________________________
Select Semester for Which You Are Applying:
Fall _____ Spring_____ Summer ______ 20______
Have you attended any schools since you were last enrolled at Albany State? _____ _____
Yes No
If yes, List Schools Attended:
Please make sure that all your official transcripts shown above have been sent to the Office of
Academic Services and Registrar.
SIGNATURE________________________________ DATE________________________
Office Use Only
Academic Renewal (Please Circle One) Approved Denied
Date Banner Updated: ____________________ Staff member who updated record: ______________
Revised 8/17_Academic Services_Registrar
University System of Georgia undergraduate students who have been readmitted or reinstated after
a period of absence of three (3) calendar years or longer are eligible for academic renewal.
Academic renewal for the student signals the initiation of a new grade point average to be used for
determining academic standing. This provision allows University System of Georgia degree-
seeking students who earlier experienced academic difficulty (probation, continued probation,
suspension, GPA below 2.00) to make a fresh start and have one final opportunity to earn a
bachelor’s degree.
Former Developmental Studies students may apply for Academic Renewal only if they successfully
completed all Developmental Studies requirements prior to the beginning of the three-year absence.
The granting of Academic Renewal does not supersede institutional financial aid policies governing
Satisfactory Academic Progress and does not supersede the admissions requirements of certain
programs, e.g., teacher education, that require a specific minimum grade point average based on all
coursework. Re-entry into any academic program is not automatic.
Students who wish to apply for Academic Renewal must submit an Application for Academic
Renewal. The application may be submitted at the time of readmission but no later than the end of
three semesters or re-enrollment or one calendar year following re-enrollment, whichever comes
first. The Renewal GPA begins with the semester following re-enrollment.
Academic credit for previously completed coursework-including transfer credit-will be retained
only for courses in which grades of A, B, C, S, or K have been earned. Courses with D or F grades
must be repeated if they are required in the student’s degree program. Retained grades are not
calculated in the Academic Renewal GPA but are counted in the Academic Renewal Hours Earned.
To earn a degree, a student must meet the institution’s residency requirements after acquiring
academic renewal status. At least 50% of work toward a degree must be completed after the
granting of Academic Renewal status for a student to be eligible for honors at graduation.
Note: Please refer to the Board of Regents, Academic Affairs Handbook, Section 3.16. for
additional information on Policies and Procedures.