For Customer Support queries, please email or call LTI
during the hours listed above at (914) 963-7110 ext. 777.
AAPPL At-Home Testing & Proctoring Guidelines
Due to the unprecedented situation caused by the COVID-19 virus and the resulting necessary transition to distance
learning around the world, ACTFL and LTI are providing a remote testing solution to ensure continued access for schools,
educators, and learners in grades 9-12 and their families. We appreciate the extraordinary efforts being made during this
time and are committed to making the at-home testing process as easy as possible for all involved.
We have created a Simple At-Home Proctoring Guide
that will help you prepare to administer the AAPPL securely at
home, in an optimal environment, while maintaining academic honesty and integrity. It explains all the steps needed to
prepare your computer, browser, and sound settings. It also informs you of your responsibilities in ensuring that all
testing requirements are met.
Please review this Testing & Proctoring Agreement carefully and sign below to indicate that you have read and
understood the requirements and agree to the remote testing terms and conditions.
As the Test Proctor, you agree to the following:
» I have read and reviewed the Simple At-Home Proctoring Guide and I understand the testing requirements.
» I will ensure that the test is taken in a secure environment. The test taker will not have access to papers,
pens, pencils, notes, dictionaries, cell phones, cameras, or electronic devices while testing.
» I will not help the test taker answer any questions on the AAPPL.
» I will log in for the test taker when they are taking the test and will not provide them with the log-in credentials
directly. I will maintain the credentials in a secure location in order to protect the integrity of the test process.
» I will destroy/delete the log-in credentials at the conclusion of testing.
» I will assist the test taker in resolving any technical problems and reach out to the test takers school or to LTI for
technical support at (914) 963-7110 ext. 777.
Mondays, 8:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.
Tuesdays, 8:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m.
Wednesdays, 8:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.
Thursdays, 8:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m.
Fridays, 8:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.
Saturdays and Sundays, 11:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
By signing or typing your name below, you agree to administer all AAPPL modes in a supervised and appropriate
environment, as described above. You will ensure that the test taker you are proctoring does not access prohibited
resources including papers, pens, pencils, notes, dictionaries, cell phones, cameras, or electronic devices. You will not help
the test taker answer questions on the AAPPL.
______________________________________________________ _____________________________
Test Proctor Signature Date