4/2020 Page | 10
CIVIL SHEET(S) – (Including Onsite Grading & Drainage, Paving & Utility):
NOTE: Offsite improvements such as paving, signing & striping, water or sewer line extensions will need to be submitted as
separate plans from the Specific Site Plan. They should be submitted initially at the same time as the Specific Site Plan. The
offsite plans should be titled as “Offsite Paving Plan for (project name)”, or “Offsite Waterline Plan for (project name)”, etc. (See
the Pinal County Subdivision & Infrastructure Manual for Plan Requirements). Offsite plans will use a different approval block.
(See below at end of CIVIL SHEET(S) section).
1. All information requested on “All Sheets”
2. Benchmark, include elevation, description, datum, (must be NAVD 88 Datum) and location
3. Onsite Temporary Benchmark
4. Basis of Bearings
5. Blue Stake Notification on each sheet
6. Quantities List (for offsite improvements)
7. Legend, identifying grades, symbols, lines, etc., proposed and existing
8. Existing and proposed structures, streets and alleys. Show all existing driveways adjacent to the site
within 100’ (feet) and across streets.
9. All existing and proposed utilities and service lines include size and type and provide dimension to
property line. If a septic system is proposed, show location and must be a minimum of 25’ (feet) from any retention
or detention basin.
10. Show any existing easements of record with appropriate recording information. Include dimension
and tie easements to the property boundary.
11. Sheet reference shown at all match lines.
12. Provide correct boundary information for property. Adjust as needed if any right-of-way is to be
dedicated. Right-of-way dedication to be completed prior to plan approval. Include complete
boundary information, including angles or bearings and distances, along with ties to two (2) Section,
Quarter Section corners or major intersections. Label and provide description of monuments.
13. Boundary line of development site should be a heavy solid line on all sheets in plan.
14. Location of existing and proposed drainage channel and facilities, streams, creeks, washes, and any
area subject to a 100 year flood (floodplain). Provide high water elevation for each.
15. Existing contour lines of the subject area shown in intervals not to exceed two (2) feet. Also provide
spot elevations on existing infrastructure such as curb and gutter and centerline of adjacent streets.
16. Provide finished floor elevations for ground floor of existing and proposed buildings.
17. Provide retention calculations on plan sheet. Show retention required and retention provided along
with formula used for calculations.
18. Provide at least two cross sections across property, to include proposed building(s) and retention
19. Retention basins shall be per Pinal County design standards. The design storm is the 100yr-2hr storm
event. Sides of basins greater than 4’ (feet) deep shall have 8:1 slopes. (Verify basin/s is/are a minimum
distance of 25’ (feet) from any existing or proposed septic system).
20. If drywells are proposed include drywell detail with the appropriate dimensions included.
21. Label type of erosion control to be used in basins and swales.