or chronological age
1. What do I want to get from the workshop today?
2. I teach grade bands based on students’: (check on e)
3. Differentiated levels of support:
a. Level 1:
b. Level 2:
c. Level 3:
4. Check off as you find: (Although Navigation is part of the Foundations Course, but you should know
where all these sections are and be able to answer the questions below.)
Your Notes on Navigation
Why is it important to avoid
duplicating students in the My
Students section?
What capabilities do the interactive
documents (iDocs) in the n2y library
What is the purpose of the Core Materials?
What is the purpose of the Instructional
Essentials: Follow Along
PD SpPD Specialist :
developmental level
Essentials: Follow Along
5. Use the Teacher Dashboard to:
a. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________
b. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________
c. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________
d. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________
6. Check off as you find:
7. To prepare for setting up Teacher Dashboard, you need:
a. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________
b. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________
c. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________
d. (optional) _______________________________________________________________________________________________
8. Check off as you find:
9. What is the purpose of:
Benchmark Assessments:
Core Rubrics:
10. How often should Checkpoints be given?
11. The Student Summary Report provides the educator with:
12. (Check one) Teachers or Parents or Students or Peers contribute to the
development of a strong transition plan with the Transition Planning tool.
13. The academic portion of the K-12 Learning Profile indicates:
Essentials: Follow Along
14. The access and participation portion of the K-12 Learning Profile outlines:
15. Check off as you explore:
Your Notes on Monthly Lessons
16. Which format of the monthly lessons offers interactive student engagement? (check) PDF  or iDoc
17. __________________________ _____________________ connect my state’s general and extended standards to the
ULS curriculum.
Lessons are numbered
for what purpose?
What does this
remind you to
Third Party Vendors
Essentials: Follow Along
Use this page for any questions and additional notes.
Essentials: Follow Along