COM-FED/RLS – 335-1 Rev. 12/2019
The following MUST be submitted with your initial application. NO application will be issued until
all documentation has been received and approved. Submit only the $200.00 non-refundable
application fee, if applicable.
Application Form 367. (See notes on ling application for license on page 2.)
Occupation Record and Financial Statement Form 367-3 for each of the INDIVIDUAL applicants.
A copy of the company, corporate, or partnerships most recent nancial statement. (basic balance sheet)
A copy of the Articles of Incorporation or Organization Operating Agreement. Must include an ocial list
of all ocers, members or partners.
A copy of your Federal Basic Permit or brewers notice or application for same.
(NOTE: A license will not be issued until we have received your Federal Permit or brewers notice.)
A copy of the Combined Registration Application. (Send ORIGINAL direct to the Central Registration
Taxpayer Identication Unit, Revenue Administration Center, Annapolis, Maryland 21411-0001.)
If online registration, submit copy of the registration screen for verication.
A copy of zoning certication for the physical license location. Must indicate the location is properly
zoned to operate as a Manufacture / Wholesale business. See notes page 2
A statement of proposed business activities.
List of the brands you propose to sell and distribute in Maryland.
Letter(s) of certication or other appropriate documentation that indicates you are the brand owner,
United States importer or designated Maryland agent for said brand owner or United States importer for
each brand.
A sample copy of the invoice you plan to use as a Maryland licensee. Invoice must show the licensee
name, and address, which match the application.
File an appropriate security bond, or cash bond. Use the appropriate bond form(s):
Form 364 Wine and Liquor Bond $5000
Form 365-1 Beer Bond $1000
Form 366 Wine Bond $1000
COM-FED/RLS – 335-1 Rev. 12/2019
Comptroller of Maryland
Field Enforcement Division
Regulatory & Licensing Section
P.O. Box 2999
Annapolis, Maryland 21404-2999
410-260-7314 or 800-MD-TAXES
II. Notes on filing applications for licenses:
1. A license is issued to three applicants for the use of the company. If less than three officers exist
(e.g. Closed Corporation), then a license may be issued to less than three individuals. In such case a
letter so certifying that there are less than three officers / members or partners must be submitted.
2. At least one of the applicants must be a Maryland resident, taxpayer and registered voter currently
and for the immediate two preceding years. So designate in Section 1 of form 367, Application for
Manufacturer’s and Wholesaler’s Licenses.
3. In Section 14 of the license application, all officers/members/partners must be listed whether or not
they are license applicants (attach separate sheet if necessary). However, ONLY the three applicants
should sign under Signature of Applicants and only the applicants need fill out the Form 367-3
Occupational Record and Financial Statement of Individual License Applicant.
4. In the case of a corporation, the President or Vice-President of the company must sign under
Signature of President or Vice-President, and if he/she is also an applicant, he/she must sign under
Signature of Applicant.
5. The actual owner of the proposed license premises must sign the Owner of Premises section. Unless a
Power of Attorney form is submitted, a real estate agent, etc., may not sign this section.
6. In accordance with ABA 1-405, we require certification from the local zoning authorities indicating
your premises is properly zoned for the operation of a wholesaler’s or manufacturer’s alcoholic
beverage business.
7. Send all applications to P.O. Box 2999, Annapolis, Maryland 21404-2999. Applications sent directly to
the Field Enforcement Division may result in a processing delay. If you are sending overnight or
special delivery, use the following address: Comptroller of Maryland, Field Enforcement Division,
Regulatory & Licensing Section, 110 Carroll Street, Annapolis, Maryland 21401.
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