• Genealogical Records are birth occurring more than 80 years ago (unless the individual is still living), marriages
occurring more than 50 years ago and deaths occurring more than 40 years ago.
• Certified copies have the raised seal of the office issuing the record and are always issued on State of New Jersey safety
paper. Certified copies may be used to establish identity and are legal documents.
• Certifications are issued on plain paper with no seal and clearly indicate they are not valid for establishing identity or for legal
purposes. Certifications are generally useful for genealogy. Certifications of death records do not contain the Social Security
Number or the Cause of Death medical terminology.
• Apostille Seal – An Apostille Seal is an additional seal required for certain certified records that will be presented to a foreign
government that is a member of the Hague Treaty. The seal is often required on documents for international adoptions or
establishing dual citizenship. Contact the consulate of the country involved to determine if you need an Apostille Seal.
To get an Apostille Seal, first obtain a certified copy of the vital record from the State Office of Vital Statistics and Registry by
checking the Apostille Seal box on the application. You will receive a certified copy of the vital record issued by the State
Office of Vital Statistics and Registry. You must forward this document to the New Jersey Department of Treasury, which
issues the Apostille Seal. Additional information is available at:
MAY 18
Applications for a certification or certified copy of a Genealogical record require the applicant to provide a completed application,
valid proof of identity
, payment of the fee
and if requesting a certified copy, proof that establishes you are:
o the subject’s parent, legal guardian or legal representative;
o the subject’s spouse/civil union partner, domestic partner; child, grandchild or sibling, if of legal age;
o a state or federal agency for official purposes, or
o requesting pursuant to a court order.
All genealogy applications must be filed by mail and require the applicant to provide copies of the above documents.
NOTE: ALL items not marked as optional are required.
Valid photo driver’s license or photo non-driver’s license with current address OR valid driver’s license without photo and an alternate form of ID with current
address OR two alternate forms of ID, one of which must show the current address. Alternate forms of ID are: Vehicle registration, vehicle insurance card,
voter registration, US/Foreign passport, Permanent Resident Card (green card), Immigrant Visa, Federal/State ID, county ID, School ID, utility bill (within
the previous 90 days), bank state (within previous 90 days) or W-2 for current or previous year. Requests for records to be mailed to an address other than
that which appears on the requestor's ID must be accompanied by a notarized letter which includes: A) the alternate address, and B) a written request to
mail records to this alternate address.
Township of Berkeley Heights
Vital Statistics and Registry
29 Park Avenue
Berkeley Heights, NJ 07922
Township of Berkeley Heights
Vital Statistics and Registry
29 Park Avenue
Berkeley Heights, NJ 07922
Township of Berkeley Heights
Vital Statistics and Registry
29 Park Avenue
Berkeley Heights, NJ 07922
8:30 AM - 4:00 PM
Monday - Friday
Service ..................$XX.XX
Service ..................$XX.XX
Service ..................$XX.XX
Service ..................$XX.XX
Service ..................$XX.XX
Service ..................$XX.XX
Service ..................$XX.XX
Service ..................$XX.XX