2020-2021 Bachelor’s Degree Verification
Financial Aid Office, 1637 Lawson Street, Durham NC 27703
Phone 919-536-7209, Fax 919-536-7260, financialaid@durhamtech.edu
You are not eligible to receive a Federal Pell Grant because you reported that you have a bachelor’s degree
or you are working on a degree beyond a bachelor’s degree, or both. Please indicate below whether or not you
have a bachelor’s degree by checking the correct answer:
I do have a bachelor’s degree or I am working on a degree beyond a bachelor’s degree.
I do not have a bachelor’s degree and I am not working on a degree beyond a bachelor’s degree.
I agree to have my corrections sent electronically by Durham Technical Community College’s Office of Financial
Aid. I certify that all of the information provided and corrected on my Student Aid Report is true and complete to
the best of my knowledge. If I am asked, I agree to give proof that any information is correct. This proof might
include a copy of my U.S. Tax Return filed by my family or me. I understand that if I purposely give false or
misleading information on my Student Aid Report, I may be subject to a $20,000 fine, a prison sentence, or both.
Print Student Name: _________________________________ Student ID: ______________________
Student Signature: ___________________________________ Date: __________________________
Phone Number: ______________________________________
Revised Spring 2018