* This form must be submitted by the priority deadline to ensure a determination of eligibility before the Fee Due Date. Students may still apply
for aid after the priority deadlines, but EFSC cannot guarantee that late submissions will be notified of aid eligibility prior to the Fee Due Date.
FA Verification
2019-20 Verification Independent Student Form
V4 Custom Verification Group
Your 20192020 Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) was selected for review in a process called verification.
About 30% of all FAFSA filers are selected for verification, which requires the school to collect documentation to review
the accuracy of FAFSA information. EFSC cannot award federal financial aid until this worksheet is processed.
Priority Deadlines*: Fall 2019 07/18/19 | Spring 2020 11/25/19 | Summer 2020 04/23/20
A. Student Information
Last Name First Name M.I. Student ID
B. High School Completion Status
Please indicate your high school completion status when you begin college in 20192020:
I received or will have received a high school diploma.
I completed or will have completed secondary education in a foreign country and have a copy of the
“secondary school leaving certificate” or other similar document.
I have or will have passed a state authorized examination (GED test, HiSET, TASC, or other State-authorized
I completed or will have completed at least a two-year program that is acceptable for full credit toward a
bachelor’s degree.
I was homeschooled.
EFSC Office of Financial Aid
www.easternflorida.edu/go/aid | (321) 433-7339 | finaid@easternflorida.edu
C. Identity and Statement of Educational Purpose
You must verify your identity by mailing or uploading a copy of a valid government-issued photo identification
(ID), such as, but not limited to, a driver’s license, other state-issued ID, or passport. Expired documents will
only be accepted if the document expired after March 1, 2020.
Please specify the document you are submitting:
Driver’s License
State-issued ID
Other (please specify): _______________________________________
In addition, you must sign the Statement of Educational Purpose provided below.
Statement of Educational Purpose
I certify that I _________________________________________________________ am the individual signing this
(Print Student’s Name)
Statement of Educational Purpose and that the Federal student financial assistance I may receive will only be used
for educational purposes and to pay the cost of attending Eastern Florida State College for 2019-2020.
_______________________________________ _______________
(Student’s Signature) (Date)
(Student’s EFSC B Number)
EFSC Office of Financial Aid
www.easternflorida.edu/go/aid | (321) 433-7339 | finaid@easternflorida.edu
D. Certification and Signatures
By signing below I certify that all of the information reported is
complete and correct.
Student’s Original Signature (cannot be signed electronically) Date
E. Document Submission
You may submit this document by the following methods:
Print and complete this document (including the original signatures), scan the document, and upload the
document via the Document Dropbox in myEFSC.
Mail your document to the Office of Financial Aid at:
Eastern Florida State College
Office of Financial Aid
Building 2, Room 209
1519 Clearlake Road
Cocoa, FL 32922
Financial Aid Specialists are available by phone at 321-433-7339, and via e-mail at finaid@easternflorida.edu.
Eastern Florida State College is committed to equal access/equal opportunity in its programs, activities, and employment.
For additional information, visit Eastern Florida State College: easternflorida.edu /go/equity.
WARNING: If you purposely give false or
misleading information on this
worksheet, you may be fined, sent to
prison, or both.