Please complete this questionnaire and submit with your application for a Business License.
Name ________________________________ Business Name _______________________________________
Address ___________________________________________________ Phone _________________________
Description of Business ______________________________________________________________________
Please answer the following questions about your home occupation: (Check One)
1. Will any portion of the home business that is conducted at the home take place outside the
residential structure or accessory building?
Yes No
2. Will the home occupation and associated storage of materials and products occupy more than 700
gross square feet of floor area?
Yes No
3. Will there be any exterior alterations to the residence as a direct result of the home business? Yes No
4. Will there be any business clients or customers coming to the residence? Yes No
5. Will there be any exterior storage of vehicles related to the business, except for one commercially
licensed vehicle no larger than ¾ ton?
Yes No
6. Will there be any employees or volunteers on premises (other than those who are permanent
residents of the dwelling)?
Yes No
7. Will there be any noise, vibration, smoke, dust, odors, heat or glare at or beyond property line? Yes No
8. Excluding regular US Postal delivery, will there be more than one trip per day for delivery or pick
Yes No
9. Will the home occupation include the use of tractor trailers, fork lifts, or similar heavy equipment? Yes No
10. Will storage, distribution, or use of toxic or flammable materials be involved? Yes No
11. Is signage proposed, other than a name plate (2 square feet or less in size)? Yes No
12. Will automotive services, junk and salvage operations, or storage or sale of fireworks be involved? Yes No
I hereby certify that my business will continually conform to the standards of Section 40.40 of the
Development Code pertaining to Home Occupations. Non-compliance with these regulations will result in
the revocation of this permit and/or the associated business license.
_______________________________ ______________________________ ____________________
Signature Print Name Date
As part of your application for a Business License, this form is required for any proposed
use that is a Home Occupation. A Home Occupation is a legal, nonresidential income-
producing use or activity that is conducted in or on a residential lot.
(Office Use Only)
Reviewed By _________ Date Received_______________ Approved? Yes ______ No ______ License # _________________